
Kpop News

NOMAD releases track video for their last pre-released song ‘Let Me Love You’… Sensuous newtro

by BMSGLOBAL 23 Feb 2024
NOMAD releases track video for their last pre-released song ‘Let Me Love You’… Sensuous newtro

Rookie boy group NOMAD released the track video for ‘Let me love you’.

NOMAD opened the track video for ‘Let me love you’, the fifth pre-released song and included in their first EP ‘NOMAD’, through their official YouTube channel at midnight on the 23rd.

'Let me love you' is a song of the traditional R&B genre that mixes the members' different vocal colors on top of the original R&B tracks from the early days. It is a song that contains a message asking you to allow me to love you more now that I love you. .

As all of the pre-released songs were of high quality, expectations are growing for the yet-to-be-released double title songs ‘California love’ and ‘No pressure’.

Meanwhile, Nomad's debut EP 'NOMAD' will be released on each music site at 6 PM on the 28th.

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